The committee was very sad to hear of the passing of Lynne Shirley, a long-standing member of the society and former chairperson last week. Here, Lottie Walker remembers her.

“Lynne was a really lovely lady and totally self-effacing. I wish I’d known her better. What I do know, though, is that she was one of the best supporters BROS has likely ever had. She performed with the company for years and came to every show, pretty much without exception and often brought a group with her. She’d also bring guests to social functions, making sure our events made some money and that our name got out in the big wide world.

And above and beyond the call of duty, Lynne came to see almost everything that a BROS person did outside of BROS productions. I hope I thanked her enough for seeing all the stuff that she came to in order to support me.

Lynne was one of a very few people to offer practical advice and help to me for my first Minack show (also my first BROS show) and in a year when there were no candidates for chairman at the AGM she even stood in and did that role for a year in order that the company could continue to function.

She was not part of my day to day life in any significant way and there are many others who knew her better and for far longer than I, but I will miss seeing her smiling face trying to sell me a programme at the next show. And I just wanted to acknowledge that BROS has lost someone really special who really cared about the Company. RIP Mama Morton x”